Denture Stability: Upgrade Your Full Dentures With Implants

Full Dentures in Cleveland, TN | Mini Dental Implants | Dr. Beard

In our day-to-day lives, we often take stability for granted. Whether it relates to our job, home, family, or lifestyle, stability means not having to worry constantly; it’s the assurance that what we rely on will be there when we need it. This sense of reliability is crucial, especially when it comes to our health. For the 36 million Americans without any teeth, finding a stable solution for tooth replacement is vital. Two common options are traditional dentures, also known as full dentures, and implant dentures that offer enhanced stability.

Full dentures have been a time-tested solution for tooth replacement. However, these old-fashioned dentures come with a problem—they lose their fit over time and begin to move in your mouth. This creates issues not only with eating and speaking but also causes gum irritation and loss of bone tissue in the jaw. On the other hand, implant dentures are revolutionizing how we replace missing teeth. This advanced dental technology provides a stable and long-lasting alternative to traditional full dentures, combining the benefits of dental implants with the comprehensive coverage of conventional dentures.

What Are Implant Dentures?

Full Dentures in Cleveland, TN | Mini Dental Implants | Dr. BeardImplant dentures, supported by conventional dental implants or mini dental implants, offer a significant improvement over traditional full dentures that merely rest on the gums. Anchored directly to the jawbone through titanium posts, these dentures provide enhanced stability and mimic the feel of natural teeth. As artificial tooth roots, the implants help maintain bone and tissue density, offering both functional and health benefits.

The Advantages of Implant Dentures Over Full Dentures

Implant dentures offer several benefits over conventional full dentures:

  1. Increased stability and comfort: Do you worry about ill-fitting dentures causing embarrassing moments by moving around in your mouth or even falling out? Dental implants provide a secure foundation, eliminating denture movement.
  2. Improved oral health: Implants stimulate the jawbone, helping to prevent bone and tissue loss.
  3. Enhanced eating and speaking abilities: The stability offered by implants allows for clearer speech and better chewing power, allowing you to enjoy all your favorite foods again.
  4. Natural look and feel: Implant dentures look more like natural teeth and can enhance facial aesthetics.
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The Process of Getting Implant Dentures

The process of getting implant dentures involves a few steps. The procedure and timeline are more efficient when you choose mini dental implants.

  1. Consultation and planning: We offer free consultations, which include an initial evaluation to determine if you are a candidate for implant dentures, diagnostic images to help plan the implants’ placement, and a discussion of our implant denture options. At your consultation, our team will discuss insurance and financing options so you can make an informed decision about your dental care.
  2. Implant placement: Traditional implants require a surgical procedure to place and stitches that will need time to heal. The placement process for mini implants is much less invasive. It involves no incisions or stitches, and we can often complete the process in just one visit.
  3. Healing: Conventional implants need 3-6 months to fuse completely with the bone, a process called osseointegration. Only a temporary restoration can be worn as the bone heals around the implant. On the other hand, mini dental implants are immediately stable. Your final restoration can be attached as soon as it has been created in the dental lab.
  4. Denture fabrication and fitting: Your dentures are expertly crafted for a precise, custom fit. Once complete, we’ll check how the dentures fit, ensure your bite is aligned correctly, and secure your new dentures to the implants.

The advantages of mini dental implants over conventional dental implants include less invasive placement, faster healing, fewer visits, and greater affordability. Despite their smaller size, they exhibit equal success rates as conventional implants. Plus, their slimmer width makes them a viable option for individuals who have already suffered bone density loss.

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A Path to More Stable Full Dentures

Implant dentures represent a significant advancement in dental prosthetics, combining function, comfort, and aesthetics. If you are considering full dentures, exploring implant denture options could lead to a more satisfying solution. With the expertise of our team at The Mini Dental Implant Center of America in Cleveland, TN, you’ll begin the journey to a better smile.

Implant dentures could be the key to restoring your confidence and improving your quality of life. For more information or to see if you are a candidate for this innovative dental solution, we invite you to schedule a free consultation with us. Our dedicated team is ready to help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Remember, a new smile is not just about aesthetics; it’s about enjoying a fuller, healthier life with the confidence of strong, stable teeth.

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